Recreating Capitol Blues
When I lived in the DC Metro area I was obsessed with painting the US Capitol Building and landmarks on the National Mall. Many of those original paintings have sold, but I’ve made a number of them available on Fine Art America as reproductions. (a few originals are also still available) The printing is top notch, they use archival inks and can be printed on a variety of surfaces; canvas, paper, metal, wood, or even a shower curtain!
I was recently contacted by a client who was interested in purchasing the original Capitol Blues. The piece had already been sold. I offered to recreate the painting incorporating actual headlines from the Washington Post. (I used to collage and work with the Washington Post in many of my DC Inspired paintings.)
Screen shot of the Fine Art America listing
We exchanged emails regarding the size, colors, and headlines to be incorporated and I got to work. I was stoked! New year, New President, the promise of a New Era. I wasn’t sure what headlines I would receive so it was like Christmas when the package finally arrived.
“A Time To Heal”
I got a bit choked up to tell you the truth. We were on the same page. We agreed that the headline would be most powerful blended between the frieze and architrave. This piece is about HOPE and RECOVERY. Check out the stages of my creative process below.
Initial sketch and wash
Deciding on the placement of the headline.
A Time For Healing, mixed media on canvas, 20x24, MG Stout, 2021